Saturday, August 8, 2009

I am a little behind...

I am a little behind this summer in blogging. So I thought I would give you an update on what has been going on in our lives (mainly I am copying Tamara!). As most of you know Lance's last day at Cessna was April 30th. He has made quite the career change. He now is an insurance agent for Midland Insurance (an independent insurance company). He started the 2nd week of June. He seems to be enjoying it and is doing well. Call him if you need insurance (316-737-6475). OK, there was my plug/advertisement for him. He went to Columbus, Ohio for 12 days in July. It was a long haul for Colton and I back home. I am blaming that on being behind on my blog.

Colton is a wild man. I can barely keep up. We finally took him to the Dr. for his 2nd year check up. He weighed 28.1 lbs and was 34 inches long. Both in the 40%. He is still not a huge eater. He seems to to eat better for everyone but me though. He has had some tough transitions the last month or so w/ switching to a big boy bed, prophalactically being treated for swine flu (long story) with the nastiest tasting medicine you have ever tried, Lance being gone for 12 days and now we are in the process of switching to a new home daycare now that I am working full time we needed a full time sitter. He is become quite the ball player, we think we might have a pitcher on our hands w/ his arm. We have graduated from Elmo to Thomas the Train (BORING!), Disney Cars, Leap Frogs, & Finding Nemo. He loves to play with hot wheels & his jeep.

As for me, I still love my job at Galichia. Believe it or not I have been there 5 years on August 17th. I still love pictures and hate the fact that I am so behind on them. Hopefully when it starts getting darker earlier I will get something accomplished with them.

I will try to keep up w/ blogging!